What's Unique About Growing Coffee on Kauai?
Hawaii is one of the only states in the USA with growing conditions suitable for coffee. Ten of the world's 14 climate zones exist across the eight main islands of the Hawaiian chain, which makes each growing region in Hawaii unique. Much like the famed Kona region on the Big Island, coffee grown on Kauai is distinct and delicious for many reasons. Learn more about the terrain, weather patterns, and people who make 100% Kauai Coffee one of a kind.

Volcanic Terrain
Kauai is geographically the oldest and fourth-largest of the main Hawaiian Islands. Formed by the passing of the Pacific Plate over the Hawaiian hotspot more than five million years ago, Kauai Coffee is grown in fertile volcanic soil. Little is known about why volcanic soil affects the flavor and characteristics of agricultural products grown in it, but just as grapes grown in volcanic soil produce distinct wine, so too does coffee. One reason may be the porous nature of volcanic soil, which allows water to wash over the coffee roots with relative ease and speed. Another could be the amount of iron oxide present in the soil, which gives Kauai dirt its brilliant red hue and is also an essential soil nutrient known to increase plant growth and yield. Kauai does not have any active volcanoes at this time, but where there were once volcanoes, there are now mountains. Kauai's mountainous terrain creates unique weather patterns, rain shadows, and altitudes that can affect the flavor notes and nuances you taste in Kauai Coffee.
Abundant Mountain Rain
Speaking of mountainous terrain, Kauai's second-highest peak, Mount Waialeale, receives an average annual rainfall of 460 inches per year. This bounty of rain carved the emerald ridges of the Na Pali Coast, steep walls of the Waimea Canyon, and provides water to the 3,100-acre Kauai Coffee farm. This abundant mountain rain is also mineral-rich and naturally alkaline thanks to the lava rock and volcanic soil it filters through.
Warm Pacific Sun
Kauai's climate is tropical with little fluctuation in temperature or humidity throughout the year. The average daily temperature ranges from 78 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit with an average of 240 sunny days per year. Kauai Coffee is located on the southwest shore of the Garden Island, which receives optimal sunshine year-round.