How to Brew Coffee with a French Press
Start boiling 6 cups of water.
While waiting for water to boil, warm the press by pouring a few ounces of hot water in it. Let sit 30 seconds and discard the water.
Grind 8 tablespoons of whole bean coffee to a coarse texture – similar to breadcrumbs.

Pour grounds into press and wait for water to finish boiling.

Take water off of the stove and wait for the water to change from a rolling boil to steaming (about 20 seconds).
Pour water in circular motion over the grounds to the halfway mark. Wait 30 seconds, then stir with a wooden spoon to ensure all of coffee grounds are saturated

Immediately pour the rest of the water to almost the top of the press.

Start timer for 4 minutes and place plunger on top, but DO NOT plunge.
After 4 minutes, plunge immediately and serve.

French Press
What You’ll Need:
Whole bean Kauai Coffee
French press
Wooden spoon
Brew Time:
4 minutes
Yields eight 6oz cups of coffee